Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Free ebooks keyword will be changed

We will adding more free ebooks for our free ebook site (usually called free download ebook)
We will add :
Javascript free ebook
Linux Free ebook, 100 free Linux Tips and Tricks
Free Microsoft Office ebook
And more...
Our Keyword statistic, unfortunately has no significan change, here is the keyword:
free ebooks, free download ebooks, ebooks free download, free programming ebooks, free computer ebooks, free it ebooks, free ebook,ebook free download.

More on Newbie Webmaster

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Format on Mysql Table, download the support material at free programming ebooks

When You Create table on Mysql, you can refer the manual below.
If you not satisfied of this manual, download free programming ebooks or free mysql ebooks from free computer ebooks
INT (alias from INTEGER) could be signed or unsigned (read previous blog about signed/unsigned-or download mysql manual at free programming ebooks site).
if INT is signed, range number is from -2147483648 to 2147483648
if INT is unsigned, range number is from 0 to 4294967295
INT is UP to 11 digits.

More on Newbie Webmaster

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

why is so hard to make free ebooks keyword?

I've been trying to make a new keyword to free ebooks or free ebooks download (could be better making keyword in singular e.g free ebook or free ebook download) instead of three phrase free programming ebooks and free computer ebooks. More on Newbie Webmaster

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Create PHP log file in your site with plain text

You can create a log file in your web server, with a plain text (in txt format)
Try this code (tested with PHP 4.3.0)

$fp = fopen("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/include/logfile.txt","a");
$address=getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR");
$date=date("l dS of FY h:i:s A");
$string = "IP ADDRESS : $address\tREFERER : $referer\tPAGE VISITED : $visit\tDATE : $date\tBROWSER = $browser\n";
fwrite($fp, $string);
$DOCUMENT_ROOT is your root (e.g var/www/html/-->depend on your hosting setting)

named it as log.php an place in your /include/ directory, then create a plain log file in .txt format called "logfile.txt".
Create HT access in "nclude" directory so not everybody come and see your log file.
upload your log.php and logfile.txt. don't forget to chmod 755 specially for your log.txt.

place this php code:
include ("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/include/log.php");

Your log file is done...

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Thursday, July 15, 2004

Mysql how to

What Unsigned and Signed mean when you create table in MySQL?
Unsigned mean that its a kind of integer number that not a negative number
Signed mean that its a kind of integer number that allow a negative or positive number
You can download a free computer ebooks and free programming ebooks or free mysql ebooks and free php ebooks in pdf format form at http://www.free-itebooks.com More on Newbie Webmaster

create my blog

start create my second blog before go to outdoor and indoor teak furniture and French Classic Furniture office More on Newbie Webmaster